Ch. 5: Inside the Bushes
Lara opened the door, still nude, and began walking towards a dense grove of trees in the middle of the park.
"Oh my God Lara! You're naked!"
Lara didn't answer, but continued walking.
Julia followed her.
There were other people in the park, but no one close by. Even if anyone saw Lara, they were still too far away to get a good look at her.
As they entered into the grove of trees, Lara pointed. "This way!"
Under a thick shade of tall trees, the light grew dim and muffled the sound of cars driving along the roads nearby. They came to an area where the trees thinned, and came to a large, dense, overgrown shrub. Lara stopped and looked around.
"It's all overgrown now." She said.
"What is?" Julia asked.
Lara pointed towards the shrub. "Teresa and I used to come here".
"Oh." Julia answered.
Lara lifted up some branches and tried to maneuver her way through the leaves, trying carefully as she could to avoid being scratched by branches.
"Come on." She said to Julia.
Julia followed, while Lara pushed away branches and crouched down trying to find her way into the middle of the shrub.
"There." She pointed.
Lara and Julia were deep inside a tall growth of bushes and shrubs where there was an empty space of about six feet in diameter. A covering of dried leaves layered the ground. An old mattress rested in the middle.
"Teresa and I used to come here." Lara said pointing at the mattress.
Julia already knew what she meant.
Over the past few years Lara confided in Julia of the affair she had in middle school with Teresa. Lara told her of the times she and Teresa would come to the park to touch each other, but Julia always wondered where and how without being seen. Now she knew.
"We used to call this place the bushes" Lara explained.
"How did you get the mattress here?" Julia asked.
"We didn't. It was already here."
"Eww!" Julia made a face. "Weren't you worried about germs and bugs?"
"Back then, it wasn't like this. It looked more clean. Besides, we would lay our clothes on it first."
"But obviously someone else drug it here and used it before you guys." Julia countered.
"Well, we were just horny, that's all." Lara answered.
"This place looks scary!" Julia remarked.
"It's actually really peaceful. No one comes here."
The two stood there and looked around. Lara noted the tiny specs of sunlight that dotted the mattress and remembered the scenes of when she and Teresa would lay there nude together, clutching each other.
"You can hear the birds chirping, and the sound of the leaves rustling in the breeze." Lara said.
Julia looked down at the old mattress, "I don't think I'd want to touch that at all!"
Lara chuckled, and then looked at Julia.
Julia shook her head with a grin. "I can't believe you and Teresa here, on this old thing?"
Lara let out a laugh, and Julia giggled.
There was a pause again, while Lara looked at the mattress. "It's all dirty and moldy now." She said.
"You still haven't gotten over her have you?" Julia replied.
Lara just looked down, and then turned to look at Julia and smiled. "Let's go."
Ch. 4: Naked in the Car
“Oh my god, Lara!", Julia exclaimed in a surprise. “What you doing?"
Julia's surprise turned into a giggle.
"Ha! I just did!?" Lara said in a cavalier manner.
Julia giggled. “Oh my God Lara!”
“Well, if I'm going to be a naked writer, why not start now?” Lara countered.
"People are going to see out here!" Julia noted, still giggling.
"Yeah, but what's the point of becoming the naked writer if no one ever sees me naked?"
"Oh my God!" Julia was still giggling.
This was the Lara that Julia considered to be "the real Lara". It was Lara without feeling traumatized, not throwing tantrums, and not diving into her six-year old girl. This Lara was mature, intelligent, smarmy, daring, and yet still kinky in a playful, seductive way. Julia often asked to see "real Lara" when she sensed Lara transitioning into an alter. But Lara was never able to control her alters. The only alter she could voluntarily switch into was her six-year old girl, and that was through masturbation only. Otherwise, Lara's state of mind was dependent on external factors.
Lara looked out the passenger-side window. “So when are you leaving for Indiana?” She asked.
“Anytime this month; I’m already accepted.” Julia responded, trying to contain her amusement.
“I’m going to miss you, you know?” Lara said with a more serious tone.
Julia turned to look at her and smiled. “Aww, I'm going to miss you too!"
Julia changed her facial expression into something more goofy and said, "You and your naked butt!"
"But we’ll call each other?" Lara looked with a question.
“Yeah, we will!"
Lara looked down the street ahead and noticed a garbage can sitting by the curb.
“Hey, stop by that garbage can." Lara pointed.
“What, you want me to pull over?” Julia asked.
“Yeah, over there.” Lara said.
When the light turned green, Julia pulled over by the garbage can, and Lara stepped out, nude. She opened the garbage can and threw her clothes in, and then stood triumphantly with her arms and hands in the air.
"Ta da!" She exclaimed
Julia was astonished.
Lara got back into the car.
“You just threw away your clothes!”
“Yup!” Lara said smugly.
“You could have just kept them with you. I mean, you didn't have to throw them away!”
“Why” Lara asked. “If I’m going to be the naked writer, why would I need clothes?”
Julia shook her head in disbelief, and then chuckled and looked at Lara. Lara looked back and smiled with confidence.
Somehow, it wasn't enough to sit in the car naked. Lara needed to distance herself physically from her clothing. It made her feel more liberated knowing there weren't any clothes available to put on should she be confronted.
“Naked writer, huh?” Lara commented.
Julia smirked. “Well, it’s something anyway.”
“I think it would be cool to find a way to live without money.” Lara replied. “Maybe I could write or work in exchange for just living the way I want to live."
“Well that would definitely be you!” Julia answered.
Lara often talked about feeling free when she was naked, but in reality she was never free. Society demanded her to remain indoors if she wanted to be nude, and her mother had required her to put clothes on when guests were in the house. There wasn't much freedom in being naked.
“That’s what sucks about our country.” Lara said. “You can’t go anywhere naked. You have to always wear clothes. I mean, who made up that dumb rule?”
“My dad, that’s probably who!” Julia remarked emphatically.
Lara chuckled.
"Hey!" Lara spoke out. "Let's go to Bentley Park."
"Bentley Park?" Julia asked.
"Yeah, I want to show you something."