An hour of walking down the dirt road, in the nude, brought both girls close to reaching Julia's car. Julia's bare feet began to feel sore. She tried to keep her eyes focused on the road to avoid rocks and pebbles. The only solace she found was in certain sections of the road that were damp and muddied from last night's rains.
Meanwhile Lara was back in her element, enjoying the warm rays of sunshine on her bare skin, the song of birds in the trees, the breeze blowing through the leaves, and the majesty of old growth oak trees flanking both sides of the road.
Minutes later, the two finally saw the car up ahead.
When they approached, it seemed to have sunk further into the mud. There was no way to reach the car without having to step through thick mud.
"I don't think that car's coming out of there by itself." Lara said.
"If I can just open the trunk and get to my clothes..." Julia answered. Julia stepped carefully into the mud towards the car. The mud squirmed up through between her toes and her feet sunk up to her ankles. Parts of the mud was actually covered over with water making it difficult to determine how soft or firm the footing was.
"Ohh!" Julia yelled out, and then slipped and fell on her side. Her naked body splattered with mud. Lara lunged forward out of reaction, but stopped.
"Damn it!" Julia yelled.
She lifted herself up on her knees, held her arms out, and then moaned in frustration.
"Look at me!" She said.
Lara took a step into the mud to help her up, then took a few more steps to the car. Lara tried to open the driver side door.
"It's locked." She said.
"What?" Julia replied, sounded confused.
"It won't open."
Lara walked to the passenger door, and found it locked too.
"Same here." She said.
"No!" Julia cried.
"Do you remember locking the car when we left it?" Lara asked.
"I guess I must have. I don't remember. But obviously I don't have my keys."
"They're still with your clothes at the house right?"
"Yes!" Julia said sounding defeated and frustrated.
Julia carefully walked back out of the mud and back on to a more firm section of road. She tried to rub most of the mud off her body.
"When we get back to the stream, we can wash off there." Lara said as she walked out of the mud as well.
"It figures it would be locked!" Julia complained. "Here I walk back to the car when I don't have my keys."
"Well then, I guess we should just get back to the house." Lara concluded.
"OK, but can we wait for a bit? My feet are getting sore."
"Yeah, sure. Can I look?"
Julia lifted her foot in the air, trying to balance herself on the road with one foot. Lara held her foot and crouched down to look her sole. She touched it in various places.
"Yeah, right there!" Julia said, responding to the ball of her big toe.
"You're probably getting a blister there." Lara noted.
Lara couldn't help but to look up Julia's extended leg, towards her tuft of auburn hair, outer labia, and her breasts above them. Julia stared down at Lara. Lara returned the stare with a smile.
"I guess we can just walk more slowly." Lara advised.
"That would probably be better, thanks!"