Lara and Julia walked deeper into the grove of oak trees. But this time they were on the opposite side of the farm from the stream. They got to where they could still catch a glimpse of the farm house and barn from behind a large tree, and stopped to watch.
"Hey I just saw one of them." Lara whispered.
"Where?" Julia asked as she looked.
"He went into the barn. I think they're all going into the barn, they probably found where I was sleeping."
"What would they want with us anyways?" Julia asked.
"I bet they asked Nan about your car, and she probably told them about us. And they probably found your purse and your car keys, and probably even searched your car by now."
"Yeah, but what would they want with us?" Julia asked again.
"I don't know. Whatever it is that Nan and her old lady got in trouble for, the police probably suspect we're part of it too."
"Shhh, I see something!" Lara whispered.
They could barely see the three detectives standing outside the barn looking at each other as if they were discussing something. One of the detectives raised his arm and pointed in the direction of the stream. Then it looked as if he pulled something from his coat.
"It looks like he's calling on his cellphone." Lara observed.
The detective could then be seen turning to face Lara & Julia's direction and pointing his arm. Soon after, the three split up.
"I think they're looking for us." Lara whispered. "I bet they called for more help!"
Lara began walking deeper into the woods, looking back at Julia to follow her. The two girls walked quickly, further away from the farm."
"Where are we going?" Julia asked.
"We have to get out of here!" Lara replied.
"But we don't have any clothes! I don't have my things!"
"Yeah?" Lara answered. "Like that's been a problem for me?"
"Uhh!" Julia exclaimed in frustration. "But I can't leave my car or my things!"
"Well I don't think you can get them back at this point." Lara answered. "Unless you want the police to arrest you too."
The two girls continued to walk quickly deeper into the oak forest. The thick canopy of leaves created dim lighting and made it difficult to figure exactly where they were headed. Moreover, the terrain began rising, increasing elevation up to a mountain ridge. There were no trails, just a thick carpet of oak leaves on the ground.
Julia stopped.
Lara stopped and turned around to look.
"Maybe it's just better to talk to those guys. If we didn't do anything, then nothing's going to happen to us."
In her heart, Lara knew Julia was probably right. But Lara didn't want to cooperate. She knew the two would get arrested and taken into jail just for being suspects, and that of course meant being forced to wear clothes and confined for however long it would take the police to feel convinced that she and Julia are innocent.
Lara was also feeling a new part of her she hadn't discovered before. A fight or flight response had kicked in without a stronger protector to hide behind. She was using her cognitive thinking to protect herself with a determination to not give up. This situation was different in that there weren't any people laughing at her or making feel embarrassed.
"If you want to, then go." Lara said. "I think I'm just going to keep going."
"But Lara! I can't go back by myself, you know that!"
Lara walked over to Julia.
"Julia, you have to start doing things for yourself. If you want to come with me, then come with me. But I can't go back there with you."
Lara remained looking at Julia, waiting.
Julia took a look behind her. There was no sign of detectives. The two girls were still well ahead of them.
Lara turned her body in the direction she had been headed and made some small steps, but still looked at Julia. Julia looked flustered.