The muddied dirt road alternated between patches of gravel, patches of mud, and puddles of muddied water. For the most part, Lara and Julia walked along the side of the road where it was slightly elevated and away from most of the water. But it was still mushy and muddied.
The morning was air was cold. Walking helped to create a little warmth for Lara, who as always, was still fully nude and barefoot.
"It's pretty out here." Lara said.
Julia continued walking.
Birds were still chirping, and in the rays of sunshine, Lara could see an occasional butterfly.
"It would be nice to live out here." Lara added.
"Maybe you can find another big bush that you could drag a mattress under." Julia said sarcastically. Lara chuckled, knowing Julia was quite aggravated with the situation. But she shrugged it off.
"I think I would need something that would stay more dry than a bush!"
The two continued walking. Lara's feet were muddied. Mud began to cake and dry further up on her ankles. The chilled morning air speckled her nude body with goose pimples that became illuminated as rays of sunshine broke through the trees.
Lara continued talking.
"I remember seeing something on the news a long time ago about a girl who stayed up in a tree for something like three months because she was protesting a bunch of loggers."
"You'd still get cold up there though." Julia added.
"Yeah. It would have to be some kind of tree house with a roof." Lara answered. "Except, I'd have to get someone who could get the wood and help me build it."
"AND, you'd have to find some place where people won't bother you." Julia remarked.
"Well yeah, I know!" Lara answered sarcastically.
Lara and Julia had walked about a half-mile, and came to the first dirt road that Lara had driven down. There was a small sign on the road they had just walked down that read, "Anderson", and below it was a mailbox.
"I guess this road actually goes to someone's house." Julia said.
"Yeah." Lara answered.
"Do you know how far you came down that road?" Julia asked, pointing her finger at the first dirt road Lara drove down.
"I don't know. It was raining really hard, and I wasn't paying attention."
Julia looked down the first dirt road in both directions trying to figure out which way to go, or what to do next.
"Hmm." Julia said. "I'm wondering if we turn left or right, or if we should walk back towards the car, and keep going the other way until we find this Anderson house?"
Lara was getting a little hungry, and remembered she still had cookies in the car. Her vote was to retrace their steps and go back to the car, but she didn't want to say anything considering she had already gotten them lost. Instead she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't know."
Julia would have waited for a passing car or truck, but realized that a naked Lara standing next to her would put the two in danger, considering how remote the area was.
"Well," She said. "Why don't we go find this Anderson house?"
"OK" Lara replied.
The two started back towards the car.